Category  |  God’s plan

rolled away . . .

I’m ashamed to admit it, but sometimes I pray for God to grant me a good parking spot when I pick up my children from school. I wonder if I do this because, deep down, I believe that God is able to take care of only the small things of life, and little more.

the breath of His mouth


—copy and design submitted by Terry and Pat Lampel, US

December 29, 2014

What are you looking forward to as we enter the New Year?

an unwed mother

Imagine this scene. Joseph leading a donkey-drawn carriage towards Bethlehem. Inside that carriage sits his pregnant wife, Mary. She was found to be pregnant before they had consummated their marriage! This would be the scandal of the town. Imagine the gossip and stares. Surely she was a promiscuous woman. And both of them are guilty of premarital sex!

November 24, 2014

What motivates you to share your faith with others?

you choose Q: are Jews still God's chosen people?

Q: After Christ's resurrection, are Jewish people still God's chosen people?  —Richard

A: Deuteronomy 14:2 says: "For you are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen you to be his treasured people from all the nations that are on the face of the earth." The Abrahamic Covenant expresses the purpose for which Israel was chosen—to bring blessing to all peoples on earth…

divine gps

Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology has changed the way we get from one place to another. All I need to do is type in an address and my GPS device guides me to my destination.

What’s a question you wrestle with—one for which you would love to receive an answer from God?

What’s a question you wrestle with—one for which you would love to receive an answer from God?

seeing God's glory . . .

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fully embrace Gods glory in your life? !’ve pondered this for many years as a Christian believer and—to be honest—I don't know if I ever truly had an answer until recently.

Not long ago, in a message titled “For the Glory,” I shared with a congregation how changing little things…

October 20, 2014

What are some ways you practice taking a sabbath rest from the busyness of life?

heaven scent

Bugs love it and humans hate it. It’s the pungent odor of the Rafflesia flower, a plant that can weigh more than 15 pounds and measure more than 3 feet across! This botanical beast smells like decaying flesh or rotting meat, an odor that carrion beetles and flies adore. Although this bloom attracts insects, it repels people. Its stench is so foul that people have nicknamed it the “corpse flower.”

you choose Q: what's the mission of the church?

Q; What's the mission of the church?  —Sean

A: The church is a holy priesthood. As a body, it shares the gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost and intercedes with God for an unbelieving world (1 Peter 2:5,9). Acts 2:42 summarizes the activities of the earliest fellowship of believers—activities that should still characterize the church today—this way: “The believers devoted themselves to the…


In December 2011, USA Today ran an article that analyzed a group of Americans called the “spiritually apathetic.” Their attitude could be summed up as: “So what?” The article presented the following sad statistics:

dog whisperer

My young nieces recently introduced me to a favorite TV show of theirs: The Dog Whisperer. In the series, an animal behaviorist named Cesar Millan gives advice to pet owners who have unruly dogs. We soon became hooked on the show.

the gift of time

Our 5-year-old son lives by a simple credo: Never, ever be bored! He’s always investigating, always testing, usually grubby, never still—not even in his sleep. Liam doesn’t share his father’s fear of heights or snakes, nor does he possess his mother’s good sense. His favorite phrase typically occurs too late for Mom, Dad, or older siblings to intervene. “Watch this!” he’ll announce as he begins his incautious leap to . . . wherever.

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